Thursday, June 24, 2010

The End!

So finally Comp II is at an end! I am really happy that I have finished yet another term here at Kaplan. I am just that much closer to graduation! I am very excited. I think I did a fairly good job in this class. There is always room for improvement, but I am happy with my end results. I think advice for anyone would be to do your best and to apply yourself in every assignment and project. Don't do things without all your effort, or you might not do as well as you can. Put your mind to anything and you can accomplish whatever you want. :) I think I got better at writing in general, and I know there is still some I need to work on, such as maybe not repeating so much in a paper, and getting over writers block. Simple things that with a lot of studying can be fixed.

I wish everyone the best in there educational journey. I hope everyone stays on track and finishes what they have set out to do. Don't give up! Even when times are hard. Good luck to all!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The finish line is close........

Wow, Unit 9 here we are! Pretty amazing. :) I cannot wait to submit my paper. I think I just might need to go to a library or something to finish it. I have way too many distractions here at my apartment. It helps me to think and stay focused more when I am in a different setting, and not as comfy as lying on my bed or couch. I wish it wasn't this way, but I just am so easily entertained by what is going on around me. :( I already finished my Anatomy paper, and that wasn't as bad as I thought. I was actually wondering what would happen if I failed a term! Ridiculous, I know. :) I am very excited for the two week break after we finish this term. I think it'll be very nice not to worry about any school and wether I'll be home for Seminar or not. I get ten days off of work for July 4'th, but I think classes would have started up again by then... Oh well! More time to stay focused I suppose. And lots and lots of time to spend at the pool. :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Unit 8

So we are almost done with this class. So close! I am about halfway done with my paper. I am still working on my paper for my Anatomy class also. I really do not enjoy writing two papers at a time, but you got to do what you got to do I guess. I am so tired right now, and all I want to do is sleep. But, I find it very difficult to rest when I have so many things in the back of my mind that I know I have to do. I am a really huge procrastinator at times! But at least I do get things done on time, so I guess it does not harm me in too many ways! Just a little bit stressful. :)

I have allergies pretty bad right now, and I have had them the last month or so. Actually, my doctor isn't even sure if these are allergies or if I'm sick. It's reallly frustrating. I just want to feel like myself again.....

It's my day off today so I have the entire day to work on my papers, do my laundry, and squeeze in my workout. I am hoping to possibly see my boy too. Who knows. I hope all my classmates are as excited as I am to complete the next two units!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I can't believe that it is finally June! It is my birthday month! :) I will be twenty in exactly three weeks. I guess it is not all that exciting... I mean what is there to do at twenty that is different than nineteen?! Yeah, nothing. :) I guess I can say I am not a teenager anymore, ha. I can also look forward to that on my next birthday I should be graduating from Kaplan. Now THAT is exciting! :)

I will be the first in my intermediate family to get a degree in anything. I am pretty proud of that. Even though it is an online course, I still will be proud of myself for putting in my time and effort into all of this. Don't get me wrong, I know that not everyone needs a degree to make good money. My parents both do very well. But for me it's not all about how much money I will be making, because I know I'm going to have to start from the bottom anyway. Medical Transcribers don't exactly make bank right away. ;) But just knowing that I have accomplished all of this will make me happy. I was homeschooled growing up, and I honestly never really had that much schooling because my dad was a single parent and was always working. So, he didn't have that much time to teach me and my brother. But, out of the schooling that I did have I always did well. Basically all I have ever taken was math and english. Never any science, history, language, etc. I got my GED when i was seventeen. Nevertheless, I am doing great here at Kaplan, and just knowing that I can do this inspires me to encourage other people who think they can't succeed in school. I know a lot of people who are in college or high school who struggle a lot, and from my observation, it's what you put into it and how badly you want something that will help you to accomplish what you set out to do.

So, basically all I have to say this week is to not give up on whatever it is your heart and mind are after. :) You might fall down fifty or a hundred times, but you can always get back up again.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A few weeks left!

I cannot believe this term is almost finished! Time goes by so fast! I am really happy that it will be over in a few weeks. I am proud of how far I have gotten in both classes that I am in right now. Before I know it I'll be graduating. :) I have been studying a lot this past week. Usually I don't start until almost the end of the unit, but it felt really good to be a little bit ahead for once! Ha.

I feel like I have been getting sick again, and it really stinks. This cough keeps coming and going. It is horrible... I feel so short of breath sometimes. I hope it goes away soon. I guess until then NyQuil and DayQuil will be my best friends. ;)

One of my really good friends is here visiting from the Marines. He was stationed in Japan and now will be going to Afghanistan this next week. I wish him the best of luck! He is so awesome. Us and a handful of friends will be partying in Iowa City tonight for one last time this year. :) I haven't been there in forever. And I'm okay with that because it's not that grand. Iowa doesn't offer too much. ;) Until then I have a full day of work ahead of me. I sure hope we're busy.... :/

I watched Sex and the City 2 last night. It was so good! I normally never liked the show and never even seen the first movie, but it was so funny and so cute! I highly recommend it. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Here we go again :)

So, I guess it is time for a new blog.

I cannot believe this term is halfway done! That is so crazy. I feel like we have only just begun. I am very pleased for how far me and all my classmates have gone. I think we have all done very well so far. :) In my anatomy class an outline for the final project is due next next week. I think it might be a little bit difficult to focus on writing two papers at the same time. Usually, I will have one class that is fairly easy and on the other I have a big project to focus on. But in this case I have two to focus on! I guess all I have to say is bring it on!!! :)

So the no smoking thing is going pretty good so far. I have had a few since I have tried to stop. I know it's impossible to quit cold turkey, so I figure three a week is better than half a pack a day! Slowly but surely. :) My perfume isn't wasted by the smell of nasty smoke at least! And my clothes do smell better! I do need to clean out my car though, because it is quite a mess....

I have seen an improvement in my workouts. I have more energy to keep going and to push myself harder. I never thought or noticed that smoking affected my workouts. But since I have quit for the most part I have seen that it does change a lot. Also, my tummy feels a lot flatter! I did read the other day that people who smoke tend to have more belly fat because of the stress hormone cortisol. And I guess the best part about not smoking is that I won't have a high risk of dying of lung cancer or heart disease! It's funny how people kind of don't think about the most important risks of smoking! :/

Has anyone read any books from author Sophie Kinsella? I love her books! They are so funny and so entertaining. They always cheer me up no matter what kind of day I am having. But, unfortunately I have read almost all of her books! I am on her last one. Does anyone know of any other good books to read? I am also reading one by Jackie Collins. She isn't as good as Kinsella. So, if anyone has read a good book in the past, or knows of any good authors please let me know! :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Yes! I have gone nine days without smoking any cigarettes! :) I got a little bit sick last week, and since then I cannot tolerate smoking, or even the smell. So getting sick was actually a blessing in disguise! Of course, it has only been nine days, but it is a good jump start for me. I feel a zillion times more attractive, energized, and I feel like I am not always as hungry (weird I know!) as I used to be all the time. That might have to do with the fact that I have not been able to workout though.

Even though I was sick all week, my week was actually pretty good. :) Besides the fact that I am having a hard time in my Anatomy class. I don't know why science is so hard for me. I really wish I was good at it, but I am trying my hardest and know I can get through it! :) Just study study study!

So, I have been seeing this one guy for the last eight months and he just went on vacation today. He will be gone for three weeks, and I miss him already so badly! It's hard to go from seeing someone three to four times a week to zero! :( But, I will use my time wisely while he is gone. I will burry my mind in this silly Anatomy class. And of course this class, but this is easier for me than the other.

So, remember in my last post when I asked "how does one know when they're in love?". Well I couldn't sleep the other night for the life of me so I wrote this down. It's cheesy, but oh well! Who cares, right? :)

"I love you because...."

".... we can make fun of each other."

".... you never say anything to put me down, but always the opposite."

".... you call me "cute", "gorgeous", and "beautiful" instead of "sexy" or "hot"."

".... you make me feel beautiful even when I look my worst (like in the morning! Yikes!)."

".... when we're together you always put me first before yourself."

".... you never let me walk behind you, but always in front of or beside you (I secretly love this but act like it's silly!)."

".... you treat me like a princess in public, and always show the sweetest affection to me."

".... your snoring no longer annoys me, because I miss it when I sleep alone." :)

".... even if a Johnny Depp look-a-like walked by I wouldn't notice because you're the only one I see." :)

".... you never told me you loved me yet, but show it in every action towards me."

".... every song in some way reminds me of you."

".... you're freaking awesome." :)

".... this list simply would never end, and I should stop boring the poor readers." ;)